Gluten-free bread, strained coffee and nutrition

Gluten-free bread, strained coffee and nutrition

Gabriel, 8 years old.
Year, 2020 (the first year of the never-ending pandemic).
Activity of the day, kneading bread for afternoon coffee.

That homemade bread, which I learned from my mother and grandmother, made with white wheat flour, which is very light, fluffy, tasty … And it has gluten, of course. One of the biggest food concerns of the past decade, I think.

But Gabriel is not worried, you see, he doesn’t have celiac disease, so gluten is not a problem. Celiac disease is the immune response to eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Over time, the immune response to eating gluten creates inflammation that damages the lining of the small intestine, causing medical complications. This also prevents the absorption of some nutrients (malabsorption).

Well, he is also not worried about the fact that white bread has a high glycemic index, he filled it with a delicious ricotta pate. After all, the context of food is much more important than analyzing a food in isolation.

And speaking of context, he is also not concerned with the lack of fiber in white wheat flour, since the dough was added to cooked and mashed Japanese pumpkin, rich in fiber.

Smart boy Gabriel … In addition to eating well, he still practices good habits to relate well with food since he was a child, even with moderate food selectivity, due to autism, but this is another story, that anytime he will tell .

The bread recipe is on my website

To the next! 📚😘

Chef Roberta