Whipped cream with strawberry strawberries for women

international Women's Day

International Women’s Day

I believe that most people know the reason why March 8th is celebrated, International Women’s Day, after all, it is a sad and remarkable story.
For decades, we women have been experiencing intense struggles for more rights, obviously with their corresponding duties, especially when referring to professions that were normally assigned only to men. And so, we experience several ironies, which often go unnoticed by our eyes tired of seeing the “buts” of life…

How many times have we heard the phrase: “A woman’s place is in the kitchen…” But only the home kitchen, because after all, the most awarded and recognized chefs worldwide are men. Or even “The man should go out to work and the woman should take care of the house…” But if he is unable to do so, the woman must perform both roles. Or the shallow comparisons between women’s and men’s football, where the criticism is usually unfair and the values for men’s football alone are exorbitant, while women… Well, they often can’t work just by playing football. And if we continue along this line of reasoning, we will talk about much more controversial subjects.

While growing up, I had the opportunity to have warrior women very close to me, all with double journeys, full of many sacrifices, and I honor all of their lives for their efforts that are often erased from history, thank you!

We all have a particular struggle, whether at work, at home, internally, and what matters is not giving up; My wish is that the maxim, that after the storm always comes calm, becomes real, so that the future is always better.

May the struggle of those 125 women, who were burned in 1911 and which ended up giving rise to the “celebration” of today’s date, not be in vain, may they, wherever they are, feel proud of the seed they planted. May our struggles no longer cause fires, but rather respect and consideration, may they be sweet and bring, at the very least, love…

And speaking of sweets, in honor of International Women’s Day, today’s recipe is simple and light.

whipped cream with strawberry

Strawberry whipped cream


1/2 liter of fresh cream
1 cup of icing sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla essence
2 boxes of washed strawberries
2 cups of meringue tea

Method of preparation

In a mixer, beat the cold cream until almost whipped cream, add the sugar and vanilla and beat a little more, being careful not to overcook it.
In a bowl, place strawberries at the bottom, then the whipped cream and meringues on top. Do this again and top with strawberries. Serve chilled.

Bon appetit and good fight, whether you are a woman or not!

Chef Roberta