Diets vs. Nutritional Strategies

Diets vs. Nutritional Strategies

“The concept of strategy, in Greek, strateegia, in Latin, strategi, in French, strategie … Are you taking notes?”

Whoever was over 18 in 2007, certainly loved it and repeated the epic speech of Captain Nascimento in the movie Tropa de Elite, which certainly taught strategy very well.

According to the dictionary, one of the definitions of diet is “the usual quota of solid and liquid foods that a person eats.” Not necessarily destined for weight loss, it may just be the act of eating and my Théozinho does it veryooo well without fear of being happy.

Therefore, it is clear that, to achieve an object, whatever it may be, a type of food strategy is used to define a diet. It is individual, according to the particulars of each one, so copying “diets” from bloggers just because it worked for them, it is dangerous, respect your body.

There are many “trendy” strategies today:
. Mediterranean Culture,
. Paleolithic (Paleo),
. Low-Carb,
. High Fat,
. Ketogenic,
Intermittent fasting, among others.

The vast majority of people do not even know what it is about or what it is for, have never read anything relevant on the subject, just heard that someone lost weight or improved their physical condition.

They all exist for a reason, but they are not for everyone. Using any strategy, without knowing what you are doing, is the same as buying a car and never learning to drive … Seek knowledge and applicability, doing for the sake of doing, can be very harmful.

In the century where information is “thrown into buckets” on the internet, seek the knowledge of truth and a good nutritionist to help you, once again, respect your body and your limits.

Do physical exercises, don’t be afraid of them, eat vegetables and fruits well 🍉, sleep 8 hours a day and drink 3 liters of water 🍶, it’s a good start, this is a great generalist strategy, Captain Nascimento would approve, sure 😉

See you soon!

Chef Roberta