Reusing – Vegetable Broth


Today the recipe that I post will be vegetable broth and the most interesting is that it can be prepared with vegetable peelings that normally throw away … A beautiful way to sustainability, after all I have said several times how much we suffer with hunger world and the amount of food that is wasted and could greatly reduce these statistics.

Many people who live alone do not peel vegetables a day enough to make a whole broth, then I suggest you go joining these shells in a bowl in the freezer and so have a good amount, do it. And you do not need to have exactly what I write here to make the broth, only a similar amount as revenue is only basis.


When we are at home and think about practicality when it comes to eating, coming soon in mind that delivery pizza that promises fast delivery and it often takes an hour to arrive. Besides not being the healthiest choice, the stress of waiting helps to let the mood of the heaviest meal yet.

To be clear, I have nothing against pizza, on the contrary, I think one of the best ways to feed with healthy ingredients, when done well, and the rs hands just i love 🙂 I promise I’ll post a dough recipe whole pizza and suggestions and functional coverage.

And as we overcome the problem of practicality time to eat healthy? Homemade broths, vegetables, chicken or beef, are a great option for a soup, risotto or stew with a lean meat to heat the night, are easy and quick recipes, faster than one pizza. Just do a good amount and freeze fracturing in bags or suitable containers to go to the freezer. And the portion sizes are due to the size of your family rs


Peel 4 carrots
Peel 2 onions
Barks 6 cloves garlic
Rinds of 2 sweet potatoes
Peel of 1 beet
4 stalks of chives
2 bay leaves
Some parsley

Method of preparation:

Sanitize the vegetables before peeling leaving to soak in a solution of water with chlorine (per liter, one teaspoon of chlorine). Mix it in 1.5 L of filtered water, boil for 20 minutes. Yields on average 1 L broth.

Enjoy your food !

You want me to make this recipe in your home? Call (12) 996 211 755

Written matter for the Newspaper A Cidade Ubatuba


Chef Roberta