The papaya


It is a fruit of the papaya tree, which here in Brazil is preferably consumed fresh.
It is also widely consumed with cereals, seeds, vitamins, homemade sweets and even ice cream. We also find in unusual recipes, such as salads while still green, a spectacular Thai recipe that is well worth trying.

But the goal today is to highlight your daily consumption, preferably without any form of cooking. Not that this is bad, because its consumption should always be encouraged, in any situation, but its benefits to be consumed as it came into the world (lol) are many and we can take advantage of its abundance and relatively low value.

Papaya is full of carotenoids, which are pigments responsible for the colors yellow, red and orange and have an antioxidant effect, which seem to prevent the body from cardiovascular disease, cancer and eye problems. For the health of women, it is vitally important to improve the appearance of nails, skin and hair, not to mention the improvement of intestinal transit, which is already well known by all.
With only 45kcal per 100g, it is a great option for those who want to lose weight, it is also rich in vitamins C, E, A and B complex, as well as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus minerals.

Investing in a healthy diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables is the first step to have quality of life.

Well, after so much important information, let’s go to consumption tips, because I realize that consuming every day in the same way can make you sick.

Papaya Cereals


– Combine with other fruits such as banana, apple, strawberry, guava or orange and mix with the milk of your choice. With grapes it is perfect, mainly because they are “complementary”, since grapes are rich in polyphenols and have little carotenoids.

Frozen with yogurt

– Cut into small cubes and freeze. Consume with yogurt and cereal of your choice. This tip is good for those who have little time to prepare a meal, for those who enjoy taking a lunch box or for those who buy and forget about the poor thing in the fruit bowl…

Papaya cubes with powdered milk

– Yes, it’s delicious. If you want to add some avocado cubes then it’s perfect.

Papaya with mousse type whey

– Beat papaya with whey protein in a blender until smooth and creamy.

Classic with honey and oat

– Cut the papaya in half, remove the seeds, add oats and honey.

Papaya juice with orange

– Beat papaya and orange, a beautiful juice and full of vitamins.

And that’s it, simple and complete, as it has to be. Enjoy your food!

Article written for the newspaper A Cidade Ubatuba

Chef Roberta