Sweet Strawberries

Sweet Strawberries

August is seen as a long month, one that takes a long time to finish and is super tiring … I understand that it is a wrong impression to come right after school holidays, maybe having 31 days, after another month with 31 days too, but reframing is what we need to get through it without taking this story seriously, which should have already ended.

There is no lack of reasons, it is a fragrant month and full of natural delicacies, as it is a harvest of fruit that is usually sweet and popular in any “big bag”, fair or supermarket. They are: silver banana, pear orange, fuji apple and strawberry.

All can, and should, be consumed fresh, but because they are abundant and avoid waste, they are great as jams. That way they take time to spoil if they are well stored and kept in the refrigerator, great for passing on bread, making recipes like cakes and pies, using as toppings in ice cream or even eating with other fruits in the next seasons.

The formula is very similar for almost all fruits, but today, specifically, the recipe will be Strawberry Jam.

Jam Strawberries


1 cup of strawberries
1/2 cup water
1 cup of sugar (of your choice) or 1 cup of unpeeled apple (that’s right, apple is a strong natural sweetener)
1 lemon (juice only)
1 cinnamon stick (optional)

Preparation mode:

Put everything in a blender and blend. If you want it to be very “smooth”, beat well, until you get a more homogeneous dough, if you prefer more “little piece”, just pulse, a few times until you like it.
Transfer the mixture to a pan and bring to a boil over high heat, then just lower the heat well and let it slowly rise, stir from time to time so as not to stick. When you start to take a fuller form of jelly, stir more often, until you lose all the water.
Let cool and transfer to a glass, previously cleaned and boiled with water, cover and leave in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your food!

Chef Roberta